
yeah...that's me

Location: Tremonton, Utah

I am an eternal procrastinator. My moto is...why do today what can be put off until tomorrow. I have been married for 16 years and I have three absolutely adorable children. I've discovered what I wanted to be when I grow up and I love doing it. What they say is true, if you love what you do you won't work another day in your life.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Moving on

I've spent the weekend not doing much of anything and I needed that. We were suppose to go camping, but with the events of last Monday fresh on mine and my husbands minds we just didn't feel like it. Yesterday was my little man's birthday (he's seven now, what a big kid) and I hadn't planned anything because we were going to be gone. The party will be tomorrow as planned before Monday's ordeal. We allowed him to open all his presents from mom and dad yesterday and we took him to lunch and for a fun dirt bike ride with his sisters. So his birthday was kinda special.

I am on call today because my co-worker is still at the hospital with her boy. This will last for quite some time and I feel so powerless to help them. The day has been quite uneventful thankfully. Only two callbacks so far, but seven more hours till I'm off.

We also spent yesterday shopping for food storage. Our income drops dramatically in the winter and it is nice to know we have food to sustain us if necessary. So, off to Sam's Club we went with the three little one's in tow. A full truck and a few hundred dollars later we have a brimming food storage and no need to buy non perishables for a while. That feels good.

So, it's back to school tomorrow and continue working ungodly hours. Hopefully I'll find time to relax in the middle somewhere.


Blogger L said...

Happy Birthday to your little one.
Squeeze in those cat naps when you can.

7:45 AM  
Blogger L said...

Hi very varied, I was thinking about you and was wondering how are you doing?

8:40 PM  

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