At Least It Hasn't Been a FULL YEAR!

For those of you who used to watch me and have flown away since I quit, a quick catch up. This is my family's Christmas picture, aren't we cute?
I went to North Carolina in April to present my Undergraduate Research, what a great experience! I graduated with my Bachelors of Science in Clinical Laboratory Sciences in May. I got a hefty raise at work and now make more than the "co-worker who sucks". WaHoo! I was offered a couple teaching positions, one with Weber State University teaching and online course and the other with Ogden Weber ATC teaching an on campus course. I took them both in addition to more hours at the hospital and although I am working about 70+ hours a week, I am truly happy with my career! We sold our home in August and moved into a horrible little apartment while we await building our dream home this spring. Apartment living sucks, but hubby keeps reminding me that in close quarters you can reach out and touch the love (I say yeah, but the hate is there too). All the family is healthy and mostly happy. The dog is living at the in-laws, don't get me started on what a difficult sell that was. I think I miss the garage and two full baths the most. Hopefully by August we will have more space again.
Now for the new news. The oldest will be 12 in a couple weeks and she thinks she is 16. She wants a cell phone, which I won't allow until she can drive. She talks on the phone constantly and thinks boys are cute and moms suck. She is a great helper around the apartment however and I couldn't survive without her. The middle one is 9 and is just a beautiful as can be. She started (and stopped) playing the violin this last fall. I wish she would keep doing it. She also talked daddy into putting her in dance. She loves dancing, but it is costing a fortune! The little man turned 8 in October. He is such a boy! I hardly know what to do with him most of the time. He started scouts and is so disappointed if he doesn't earn a patch a week. He is thrilled to get to play competitive sports this year. The hubby is doing a great job of being Mr. Mom. In addition to his full time job he makes plans for the new house, keeps track of all the kids activities, makes dinner, does laundry (not as well as me), dishes (again not as well as me) and cleans the bathrooms (better than me). He keeps me going and reminds me everyday how lucky I am to have him. I agree totally! We were lucky to have my mom spend Christmas with us and we loved every minute of it. I hope to spend time with some of my sisters this year as I miss them all terribly! It gets so lonely with only in-laws nearby.
No big traumas lately at the hospital, I'm sure one is on the near horizon. We can't go too long without a tragedy. The hospital is busier than normal and plans for a new hospital to break ground this year are progressing nicely. (Even though the lab isn't going to be any bigger, don't ask you don't want to know.) A new building will certainly make the job easier.
That's it for now, stay tuned for the next installment.