
yeah...that's me

Location: Tremonton, Utah

I am an eternal procrastinator. My moto is...why do today what can be put off until tomorrow. I have been married for 16 years and I have three absolutely adorable children. I've discovered what I wanted to be when I grow up and I love doing it. What they say is true, if you love what you do you won't work another day in your life.

Friday, August 26, 2005

birthday wishes

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Mee-ee, Happy Birthday to me.

Ok, so here it is, the day I've been dreading for the past year, I'm officially 30. Can't say I'm glad about it either. I believe this is the point where people start fudging about their age (I'm twenty seven, how old did you think I was?).

I've spent the day pretending that it isn't my birthday. I woke up and did dishes and fought with the kids and chased after new puppies and other everyday stuff. Then I took my oldest to finish her school shopping. All the while I avoid conversations with anybody (including hubby and kids) that revolve around what today is. I arrive home from shopping, waiting for me are phone calls from both my parents. They just wanted to remind me, the ratio of my age to theirs is shrinking quickly. Thanks mom, Thanks dad. Then my beautiful, talented, funny, and brilliant sister posts a blog about my birthday. Thanks sis! (Couldn't you find a more appealing photo?)

Anyhow, yes I know I'm getting older, yes I know I'm not twenty something anymore, yes I know forty is just around the corner, yes I know I've used a third of my life now, and yes... I know all the other nonsense that goes along with the milestone I've reached today. So, thanks to everybody who feels the need to remind me that I am indeed getting up there.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

crafty kids

I need to say how proud I am of my girls. The county fair is this weekend and a couple weeks ago they suggested they would like to make something to enter in the fair. Their grandmother (who, for reasons I won't go into today, I don't particularly care for) volunteered to help. They decided a tied quilt would be easiest and set about making them. Finally, they finished yesterday, just in time to enter them in the fair today. I can't wait to find out what ribbon they will recieve. They are so excited, but will be so disappointed if they don't win anything. Keep your fingers crossed.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

blessed day

Horray! We have puppies. Our sweet chocolate lab gave birth to three adorable puppies today. Two female and one male. No real complications (the second female was breech and needed some stimulation, but turned out ok) and all are healthy and happy. She is such a great mommy and hates to leave them, even to go potty. My only difficulty at this point in convincing the kids to leave her and the puppies alone.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Pat me on the back!

I'm so proud of me. After deciding last weekend I was sick of being sick of my house I started my spring cleaning. Yeah, I know it's August. Did I not make it clear what a huge procrastinator I am? So, I am proud to say that my kitchen, bathrooms, living room, laundry room and upstairs bedrooms are sparkling. In fact I even scrubbed the window tracks, the top of my kitchen cabinets, the inside of my pantry, and under the sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms. Way to go girl! All that is left is my storage closets downstairs and my daughter's rooms. That will happen this week.

Also, as an added pat on the back...I "put up" 10 dozen ear of corn today. For those who don't live in rural America that means I husked, blanched, cut off the cob, bagged and froze 120 ears of corn. Now my family won't starve for lack of corn this winter.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Here I am sitting up late at night contemplating my life and where I am in it. Last week a man in the area shot himself, I did not know this man nor did he require the needs of the hospital on the fateful night (he made sure of that), so I can not presume to know what caused his apparent breakdown. I make reference to him only because it set me to thinking. These type of occurrences tend to bring out the spiritualness in people. He was middle aged, married with four kids, two grown and two in high school. He was well known in the community and seemed to have unlimited friends, luck, joy, and love. So, what makes a person decide the rest of the world, including his family which depended on him entirely for financial security, didn't need him around anymore? I can't even begin to answer this question for this man or anybody else. All I know is that as low as my life has been, and could be again, I have always stopped and thought.... Who will love my children as much as I do if I am gone?

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

dig deep

These questions came from my sister. Hopefully I can answer them honestly. If you would like to do this activity, leave me a comment and I will comment back with the questions I came up with for you. Then let me know when you are done answering them.

here goes......

1. Who's your favorite sister and why?

I suppose it's safe to say you, Tina, are my favorite sister because none of my other sisters read my blog. If it weren't for you I wouldn't know what I wanted to do with my life, and if it weren't for your coming to my house to distract me I would have divorced my husband a couple years ago when things were really bad. By the way, I don't think I ever thanked you for that, Thanks SIS!

2. If you had to do anything in your life differently what would it be and why?

I would have kept my virginity longer. 15 years old was way too young, even given the situations I found myself in. On the other hand, had it not been for my sexual appetite I wouldn't have my 10 year old daughter whom I adore today.

3. If you could do anything today without any repercussions, what would that be?

I would walk away from my kids and husband and live alone. I know it sounds harsh, but sometimes I long to have a life all my own, this is something I've never had. I wonder sometimes if I would be successful, if I would be happier, and if I would make any of the same choices again.

4. What's your favorite household chore?

duh, I hate all housework, it is a necessary evil. But if I had to chose one which I prefer over the others it would be dusting, although I don't do it often. It takes very little time, things shine when you are done giving great satisfaction, and the dusting spray comes in really great scents.

5. You're now president of the U.S. what is the first decision you make?

Well, after appointing my sister as a member of my cabinet (Tina, go ahead and pick which member you want to be) I would push legislation to make gay marriage legal across the nation. Everybody should have the right to carry insurance for their partner or to make end of life choices or just know that their union is legally bound.

hope you learned something